L’industrie automobile est un débouché important de Sous l’impulsion de René et Roger Anthoine, l’entreprise l’activité de sous-traitance jusque dans les années 1980. fabrique aussi, dans les années 1960, des moulinets de pêche. The automotive industry was a significant source At the instigation of René and Roger Anthoine, the company of subcontracting business until the 1980s. also made fishing reels in the 1960s. 1945-1985 THE POST-WAR YEARS: THE SUBCONTRACTING BOOM In France, the post-war years or Trente loaders, and the proliferation of machining Glorieuses are synonymous with explosive plants gradually came to complement fleets growth in many industries, including electronics, of traditional machines, helping the company household appliances, aeronautics, telephones, expand its production capacity and manufacture and especially the automobile, the primary parts that were more refined in terms of both outlet for bar-turning companies in the quality and degree of sophistication. Thanks Arve Valley. Driven by a booming economy, to the new high-performance machines and Anthogyr’s subcontracting business took off the company’s experience with extremely and diversified. Until the 1980s, most cam rigorous production protocols required in machines in the workshop were dedicated to the healthcare industry, Anthogyr is taking the mass production of small parts used in its first steps in subcontracting on cutting- diesel injection pumps and, to a lesser extent, metal parts for sewing machines, washing machines, and even perfume bottles! Anthogyr is taking its first steps Subcontracting also allowed Anthogyr to in subcontracting on cutting- manufacture large volumes of items quickly, edge markets like connected generating income that was then used to technology and medicine finance the growth of high value added products—in contrast to dental instruments, which required long-term investments in prototype design, mass production, and edge markets like connected technology and finally marketing. medicine and, between 1980 and 1985, to In the early 1980s, the arrival of the first curtail its involvement with the automotive numerical control machines represented industry, whose segmentation required pur- another turning point for Anthogyr. Index GE chases of ultra-specialized, multispindle 42 lathes, Top 100’s equipped with automatic equipment. 29 rygohtnA’d stnanruot sdnarg seL